
by Tara

“Forgive them. All of your thems. The more thems you can forgive the lighter you will feel.” -Karen Salmansohn Forgiveness. That’s a big one. Forgiveness equals more internal freedom. When we harbor anger, grudges and resentment from the past; that is heavy. It takes up precious internal space in this moment. It weighs us down. […]

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Yoga class with Tara-Glowing with Gratitude

by Tara

Hi everyone! Here’s another full yoga class. Many of you have been asking me to create videos that you can do outside of class, so here is another one… It’s all a work in progress especially the technological side of things! I hope you enjoy… As always, I am grateful for  your support and for […]

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Today I Choose To Be Calm

by Tara

Today I choose to be calm.

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Yoga class with Tara -Ignite your inner Sparkle

by Tara

Hi everyone! This is my first attempt at posting a full yoga class. Many of you have been asking me to create videos that you can do outside of class, so here it is… It’s all a work in progress especially the technological side of things! I hope you enjoy… Thank you for your support […]

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Obstacles as Opportunities- In honor of Wayne Dyer

by Tara

  “With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose. -Dr. Wayne Dyer I write this in honor of Wayne Dyer. I was […]

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“There is nothing so rewarding as to make people realize that they are worthwhile in this world.”

by Tara

“There is nothing so rewarding as to make people realize they are worthwhile in this world”-Bob Anderson. Everybody matters. It doesn’t matter where you were born, the color of your skin or who you Love. Everyone’s life is of value. We can all make a positive difference. Namaste. Love, Tara   Tara  

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Sometimes you need to Breathe, Trust, Let Go and see what happens…

by Tara

“You don’t always need a plan. Sometimes you need to Breathe, Trust, Let Go and see what happens.” -Mandy Hale We don’t need a plan for everything. Yes we need to make some plans and have goals but sometimes we need to just throw it to the wind… Breathe, Trust, Let go and see what […]

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Simple Breathing Technique (Vlog)

by Tara

This is a simple breath that helps us to relax, calm the mind, reduce stress, circulate energy through the body and ground us to the present moment. (and more!) It can be practiced anywhere, at any time of the day. I hope this is helpful. Love, Tara

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The Starfish Story (Vlog)

by Tara

The Starfish Story. We can all make a difference.

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Take a Deep Breath (Vlog)

by Tara

Just a reminder – Take a deep breath.

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